​Iowa Park Trap Club

​The Iowa Park Trap Club was established at its present location in 1986 with a 25 year lease from the City of Iowa Park, Texas. The Club building and four trap fields were built with donations from various people and a $10,000.00 donation from the Big 6 Gun Club. Terry Brogdon and Bud Mercer leased the Gun Club from IPTC in 1991 and finished the inside of the clubhouse and planted the row of trees in front of the building.
In 1994, Lloyd Taylor donated money to add two more trap fields to the original four. This brought the total number of trap fields to six and remains the same today.
The Club is maintained by donations and Club Membership. All runnings of the club are done by members volunteering their time. Iowa Park Trap Club is a nonprofit organization with the goal of providing a safe, clean and efficient environment for shooters of all ages to enjoy the sport of trapshooting.